The African Group
Message from the Chair
The Member States in the United Nations General Assembly are divided into various geographical groupings. These are the groupings through which elections are conducted into various UN bodies and agencies.
Africa is allocated 3 non-permanent members of the Security Council, 14 members on ECOSOC, 13 Members on the Human Rights Council and the President of the General Assembly in years ending 4 and 9.
The Africa Group at the United Nations is made up of the 54 African Union Member States at the United Nations. The bloc coordinates its efforts on various topics, ranging from health and migration to issues of peace and security.
The group hold regular meetings to receive briefings from guests and UN officials and discuss on UN resolutions and topics so a common African position can be reached.
The group is chaired by an Ambassador from a Member State, with the position rotating monthly. The African Union Observer Mission serves as a coordinating secretariat for the group by arranging meetings, supporting the Chair, and generally providing logistical and administrative assistance where necessary.

J'ai l'honneur de présider le groupe africain à New York en février, un mois important dans le calendrier africain. Le sommet de l'Union africaine qui se tiendra à Addis-Abeba à la fin du mois portera sur le thème de la « Justice pour les Africains et les personnes d'ascendance africaine par le biais des réparations », un appel qui tombe à point nommé. À New York, le groupe africain continuera à s'engager auprès de toutes les parties et de tous les acteurs clés pour veiller à ce que l'Afrique continue à s'exprimer. La prochaine conférence préparatoire sur le financement du développement sera l'occasion de canaliser nos priorités et de répondre à nos préoccupations. Allez de l'avant!
H.E. Mr. Amb. Osama Abdel Khalek
Ambassador and
Permanent Representative of the Republic of Egypt to the United Nations
President of the African Group for the month of February 2025