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27th June 2022 UN Security Council Chamber, New York

Merci M le Président

  1. J’ai l’honneur de prononcer cette déclaration au nom de l’A3 à savoir le Gabon, le Kenya et le Ghana.

  2. Nous remercions la sous-secrétaire générale, Rosemary Di Carlo et Bushra Alhodiri pour leurs exposés. Nous saluons la participation de notre collègue, Amb. Taher El-Sonni, Représentant Permanent de la Libye.

  3. The past few weeks have seen great effort aimed at breaking through a protracted transition period now further encumbered with a debilitating political stalemate.

  4. We commend the achievement by the joint committee of the House of Representatives and High State Council for the progress they have made so far in seeking a constitutional basis for elections. We urge that the momentum be sustained to break through the pending issues.

  5. We acknowledge the work of Stephanie Williams, Special Adviser to the Secretary-General, in this regard. Mr. President,

  6. The peace process involves the resumption of dignity for a people who can move forward the course of their nation from decisions borne of inclusive dialogue and inclusive national reconciliation. A truly Libyan- led and owned peace process cannot be achieved without mainstreaming dialogue and reconciliation through all its stages.

  7. Mr. President, this is why we insist on continued dialogue and a comprehensive national reconciliation process which is also espoused under resolution 2510. We laud the Libyan authorities for the launch of the strategic vision for the National Reconciliation Project in this regard.

  8. We firmly believe that the structure on which elections are held and the elections themselves should constructively fall in good place within this outline. We would like our Libyan brothers and sisters to remember that the peace process is, therefore, not entirely about elections.

  9. Nevertheless, we would encourage an election that ensures the full participation of Libyan women and young people.

  10. We caution against any attempt to dictate how Libyans should forge a peace path. Rather, as the Council, we are duty-bound to ring-fence each achievement within the peace process as solid blocks that can guarantee sustainability.

  11. We also urge international support towards this and acknowledge the African Union’s commitment including as reaffirmed during the 23 June launch of the strategy and also welcome the AU PSC scheduled meeting on 29th June 2022 to discuss the situation in Libya. Mr. President,

  12. We are concerned about reports of violence in and around Tripoli. We caution against any resort to violence and urge restraint and calm, especially at such a delicate period. We also call on all parties to desist from inflammatory rhetoric.

  13. The continued presence of foreign fighters, foreign forces and mercenaries and the blatant violations of the arms embargo are, despicably, providing an enabling environment for the tensions.

  14. In this regard, we call on all foreign fighters, foreign forces and mercenaries to leave Libya immediately. We also welcome the 5+5 Joint Military Committee talks held last week in Cairo and their resolve to ensure such departure and the unification of the military.

  15. We urge that the Council supports this resolve through a sustained push for the implementation of the ceasefire agreement and the adherence to the arms embargo.

  16. We remind of the ravaging effect the conflict has had on the Sahel region. We must remain conscious that the Libya peace process is inextricably tied to the stability of the region. Consultations with neighbouring states and the region are therefore critical. International support should also be extended to cross border cooperation in tackling arms trafficking human smuggling and trafficking, among others.

  17. We further urge that disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration efforts be, not only focused within Libya, but also be undertaken in a collaborative approach with neighbouring states and regional organisations.

  18. The cross-border angle must also take into account the conducive environment that the conflict provides for terrorism to grow. There is a need to include in the security sector reforms and DDR efforts, deliberate counter-terrorism capacity building and support. Mr. President,

  19. The inhumane treatment of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers transiting Libya to Europe is despicable.

  20. The preamble of the UN Charter stipulates our determination as the people of the UN to “reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women ...” This is unfortunately a fable for our brothers and sisters fording the Mediterranean waters every day seeking better life.

  21. We urge that all migrants, refugees and asylum seekers be treated with dignity, whether on land or at sea and equally anywhere in the world. We also call on all those enabling their inhumane treatment to desist from directly or indirectly doing so. This includes targeted funding and information sharing for their detention under inhumane conditions and information sharing for their interception at sea and return to Libyan ports.

  22. Mr. President, it is necessary that UNSMIL be clearly structured and led to enable the Council support Libya in a well-coordinated manner. We therefore look forward to the filling up of the position of SRSG and welcome the recent nomination of an African by the Secretary General in this regard.

  23. We also urge fellow Council members to commit ourselves to build consensus and deliver to the people of Libya a substantive UNSMIL mandate in July. Mr. President,

  24. We finally urge that any action on Libya’s frozen assets be done in consultation with the Libyan authorities to ensure that all of Libya’s frozen assets are preserved for the eventual return to and for the benefit of the people of Libya.

  25. In conclusion, Mr. President, we reaffirm our commitment to a truly- Libyan led and owned peace process, and respect for Libya’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Thank you.


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