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23rd June 2021

1. The Security Council held the briefing session on the situation in the Central Africa Republic and the United Nations Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA).

2. We were privileged to be briefed by His Excellency João Manuel Gonçalves Laurenço-President of the Republic of Angola, in his capacity as Acting Chair of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region-ICGLR.

3. As A3+1, we firmly believe in African solutions to African problems, and we welcome and encourage the efforts of regional and subregional organizations under the framework of regional cooperation. We believe that these regional initiatives remain important interventions for the return of peace and security in the Central African Republic,

4. In this regard, we urge the ICGLR and the Economic Community for Central Africa States (ECCAS) to redouble their efforts towards strengthening dialogue and easing tensions in the CAR and to seek concerted political solutions to the problems facing the country. We cannot overemphasize the important role of guarantors and facilitators of the Peace Agreement, in particular the African Union and the ECCAS as well as neighbouring states.

5. We welcome the recent joint visit of representatives of the AU, ECCAS, UN, and EU to Bangui and look forward to the forthcoming field mission to the CAR by the African Union Peace and Security Council. 6. We take note of the request of the government of the CAR to have the embargo lifted to enable it to adequately equip its forces to deal with armed groups that are bent on destabilizing the country.

7. We recall Security Council Resolution 2566(2021) which reiterated Council’s readiness to review the arms embargo measures through interalia, suspension or progressive lifting in the light of progress achieved in the key benchmarks established by the Security Council.

8. We also note of the recent report letter by the Secretary General S/2021/573 providing update on progress achieved by the authorities of the Central African Republic on the key benchmarks established in the presidential statement of the Council on 9 April 2019 (S/PRST/2019/3)We commend the government of the CAR for its efforts in this regard and call for support for the government, from all quarters, in attaining of the benchmarks.

9. The A3+1 will continue to make every effort to ensure that the benchmarks are realistic and achievable, in line with the security realities and challenges in the CAR. We recognize benchmarks as a path to the lifting of sanctions and the full assumption of the CAR’s sovereign rights in this regard. We will undertake every effort to ensure that all progress is recognized and acted on; with the aim of ensuring the speediest possible period to the lifting of the arms embargo.

10. The A3+1 is committed to the safety and security of peacekeepers. We denounce the disinformation campaigns, hate speech, and targeted attacks against MINUSCA and its leadership, as well as other international partners of the Central African Republic.

11. In this regard, we welcome the public statement by President Touadéra calling for an end to these acts and the prosecution of the instigators.

12. We commend the continued commitment and tireless efforts of MINUSCA alongside the Central African Republic's international partners to accompany the Government of the Central African Republic in providing security for civilians and supporting the peace process

13. We also welcome the speed with which the governments of Chad and CAR moved to resolve the cross-border incident of 30th May 2021 where6 Chadian soldiers lost their lives. We are confident that the joint commission of inquiry formed to investigate the matter will come up with findings that will not only lead to the prosecution of those found culpable but recommendations for long term cooperation between the two states


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