Thank you Madam President 1. I have the honour to make this statement on behalf of the A3, namely Gabon, Ghana and Kenya. 2. We thank Under Secretary General, Rosemary Di Carlo, Amb. Tirumurti, Chair of the 1970 Committee and Ms. Elham Saudi for their briefings. 3. We welcome Amb. Taher El Sonni, Permanent Representative of Libya and look forward to his perspective. Madam President, 4. Libya is an African country. We are joined by bonds of geography and fraternity. In the last decade, unfortunately, we have also been joined by the profound insecurity caused to the Sahel and West Africa from the collapse of security and order in Libya. Tens of thousands of Africans have been brutally murdered by terrorist and militant groups whose actions and capabilities are directly tied to the events that have taken place in Libya. 5. When the A-3 calls for a Libyan-led peace process, we do so as Africans conscious that many, if not most, external interventions have rarely brought peace and security to the people of our continent.
6. We recall the wars, coups, and other security crises in the last few decades that have been caused by our territories and even people being used to wage proxy struggles between distant powers. 7. When the Libyan crisis started a decade ago, Africa advised that it was imperative for the people of Libya to seek a national dialogue and reconciliation. 8. We were categorical that military solutions would bring no resolution. And we looked at the intervention by external forces as complicating the chances of peace, not increasing them. We still hold this position. Madam President, 9. National dialogue and reconciliation are the key to lasting peace in Libya today. While we believe that elections are one of the essential steps to peace and stability, we know from experience that they can divide rather than unite a country. Especially a country as bitterly divided as Libya has been. 10. It is critical to peace that the elections deliver an outcome with political legitimacy, in every part of the country. Otherwise, they may be a recipe for increased mistrust, division, and perhaps even a resumption of violent conflict. 11. We also urge that the elections, which should be free, fair and inclusive, benefit from the further implementation of the Libya Political Dialogue Forum Roadmap which provides for a “constitutional basis” under its first objective. 12. A constitutional basis that would deliver elections that enjoy legitimacy must be premised on agreements that emerge from dialogue and reconciliation. We are, therefore, glad to note, and encourage the continued talks among relevant stakeholders in Libya including under the House of Representatives’ Roadmap Committee. 13. We also call on the United Nations to provide sufficient technical support, in the most transparent manner, for the holding of the elections to provide their results with greater legitimacy. 14. The African Union has committed to walk with Libya in the process of promoting national reconciliation. National reconciliation should run parallel to all tracks and stages of the peace process. We encourage the African Union to invigorate this support especially during this decisive period. 15. We also encourage the Secretary General to involve African high representatives in this dynamic for a better interaction with African organizations and stakeholders. Madam President,
16. As Libya invests heavily in its peace process with international support, we fear that the process could be undermined by foreign interference and interests. 17. One mark of such interference is the continued destabilizing presence of mercenaries, foreign fighters and foreign forces. In this regard, we urge for the full implementation of the ceasefire agreement including the withdrawal of foreign fighters and mercenaries and corresponding security sector reforms. 18. We also emphasize the importance of implementing the Comprehensive Action Plan agreed by the 5+5 Joint Military Commission on the 8th of October. 19. We further urge UNSMIL to ensure that the implementation of the ceasefire agreement is done in coordination with the neighboring States, other affected states and relevant regional mechanisms in order to mitigate the negative effects of their movement into the region. 20. We highlight the African Union’s call for cooperation between key stakeholders in the development and implementation of the withdrawal plan of foreign forces, in order to ensure that their withdrawal does not adversely impact stability in the region. 21. Another mark of foreign interference is the accumulation and flow of sophisticated weaponry and illicit small arms and light weapons in Libya and the Sahel region from foreign origins. In implementing the ceasefire agreement, we call for particular attention to be paid to the need for corresponding disarmament, demobilization and reintegration efforts both in Libya and the region. We also call for the adherence to the arms embargo by all concerned and encourage international support in this regard. 22. The A-3 notes that the situation in Libya has, overtime, created a conducive cross border support infrastructure for global terrorist actors and their facilitators in the region. There is an urgent need to strengthen the capacity of Libya and other neighboring countries to effectively tackle this growing threat. 23. We further note that all Libya’s froze assets are to be preserved and eventually returned to and for the benefit of the people of Libya. We underscore the need for the implementation of the relevant sanctions to be done in liaison with Libyan authorities. Additionally, it is important to undertake periodic reviews of these sanctions to ascertain that they respond to their intention. Madam President, 24. Even as we stand with our Libyan brothers and sisters in their tireless efforts to restore their peace, political stability and prosperity, we remain acutely aware of the plight of many thousands of African migrants and refugees on their soil.
25. We condemn the abhorrent treatment that these migrants and refugees are being subjected to as they make their way to Europe. It is appropriate that the European Union, and other actors in the international community, seek to address the root causes of this migration. But it is also crucial that all such actors uphold the human rights of those Africans who are migrating now, on the Mediterranean and its bordering shores on the South and the North.
26. We condemn their interception at sea and return to Libya. Those that aid such interception must desist from such inhumane actions and be guided by the relevant international laws and norms.
27. On the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, the A-3 appreciates the important work it is doing in support of the peace process especially at this critical time. In particular, we commend the Special Adviser to the Secretary General for the role she has played since taking up office.
28. We also appreciate the effort of UNSMIL to support the inclusion of women and youth in the peace process. Their participation in this process is essential to the reconstruction of the county for sustainable peace.
29. We therefore support the renewal of the UNSMIL mandate for a substantial period to enable the Mission to fully focus on the critical assignment at hand.
30. Finally, we reaffirm our solidarity with the people of Libya and reaffirm our respect for
Libya’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.
Thank you.