1. The Representatives of the three African members of the Security Council (A3), along with the representative of the African Union would like to relay the following message regarding the unfolding situation in Sudan.
2. First and foremost, we would like to align ourselves with the subsequent communiqués and decisions made by the African Union institutions, including the Peace and Security Council, regarding the unfolding crisis in Sudan.
3. As you already know, the AUPSC held an emergency session today, 6 June 2019, on the situation in the Republic of Sudan. The session concluded by the adoption of a communiqué through which the AUPSC decided notably to apply the Lome Declaration and suspend, with an immediate effect, the participation of the Republic of Sudan in all AU activities until the establishment of a civilian-led Transitional Authority, as the only way to allow the Sudan to exit from the current crisis.
4. We strongly condemn and lament the tragic and unjustified loss of life and remind the transitional authorities in Sudan of its obligation to protect civilians and respect their fundamental rights.
5. We insist on the need for an investigation that will clarify the regrettable events that took place on the 3rd of June in Sudan with the view of bringing those responsible for the killing of innocent Sudanese to justice.
6. We urge the Transitional Military Council to return to the internal dialogue will the aim of responding swiftly and effectively to the legitimate aspirations of the Sudanese people.
7. We call on the TMC to return to the framework established by the African Union and underline the primacy of African-led initiatives in search for a lasting solution to the crisis in Sudan. In its communiqué adopted today, the AUPSC called for the immediate resumption of negotiations, without pre-conditions, between all Sudanese stakeholders towards the establishment of a civilian-led Transitional Authority. In this vein, the PSC decided to strengthen the AU Facilitation Team in Sudan and to liaise closely with the IGAD to enhance synergy and coherence in bringing together the Sudanese stakeholders back to dialogue.
8. In this regard, we would like to underline the primacy of African-led initiatives in the search for a lasting solution to the crisis in Sudan and invite our Council partners as well as all partners to support AU and IGAD efforts and refrain from any action that could undermine African-led initiatives. There should be no external interference by whomsoever in the process of resolving the current crisis.
9. The AU will continue to closely monitor the situation. Should the Transition Military Council fail to hand-over power to a civilian-led Transitional Authority, the PSC will automatically impose punitive measures on individuals and entities obstructing the establishment of the civilian-led Transitional Authority.
10. The A3 plans on following up with the leadership shown by the African Union within the Security Council on this critical matter.
New York, 6 June, 2019