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A3+1 Joint Statement At the UN Security Council meeting on Ethiopia 08 November 2021

Mr. President,

1. I take the floor on behalf of the A3+1, namely Kenya, Niger, Tunisia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on the developing situation in Ethiopia.

2. I wish to express our sincere condolences to the Government and people of Niger for the heinous terrorist attack that took place in the country.

3. I thank H.E President Obasanjo, the AU High Representative for the Horn of Africa and Under Secretary General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Mrs. Rosemary DiCarlo for their insightful presentations, and welcome the participation of the Permanent Representative of Ethiopia.

4. We Thank President Obasanjo for his extensive efforts within the AU led process and we welcome in this regard the communiqué issued today by the African Union Peace and Security Council on Ethiopia.

Mr. President,

5. One month after our last meeting, the situation in Ethiopia continues to deteriorate dangerously, especially during the last two weeks, bringing this sister nation every day closer to a full-scale civil war which if not stopped immediately, could result to unprecedented violence and widespread atrocities and threaten the unity and territorial integrity of Ethiopia, with the potential to occasion destabilizing effects in the wider region.

6. The A3+1 is deeply concerned over the escalation of military confrontation in Northern Ethiopia and its expansion to the Amhara and Afar regions as well as about its impact on the humanitarian front.

7. Once more, we highlight that the priority at this stage, is to achieve an immediate ceasefire, which is crucial to allow for an unrestricted humanitarian access to the affected communities as well as for the re-establishment of public services in all the conflict areas.

8. We, therefore, call for the immediate cessation of hostilities, the full respect for the life and property of civilians, as well as state infrastructure and urge the parties to the conflict to constructively engage in discussions to seek a peaceful solution and pave the way for an inclusive Ethiopian-led dialogue and to national reconciliation in the interests of the country.

9. At the same time we remind all parties that they should respect their obligations under international humanitarian law and human rights law, with particular regard to the protection of civilians which requires all parties to urge their supporters to abstain from acts of reprisal against any community, and refrain from hate speech and incitement to violence and divisiveness as stated by the Chairperson of the African Union Commission on 3 November.

10. All Ethiopians are one people. As A-3+1 we urge all Ethiopians to embrace one another and to refuse to be pitted against one another on account of ethnic, religious or other identities.

Mr. President,

11. Today peace and security in the Horn of Africa is at risk. The lives of Millions of men and women and children are at stake and we have a huge and historic responsibility to prevent large scale atrocities and famine and to forestall possible destabilization of the region. Today we have a strong need for diplomacy and for mediation.

12.We welcome the initiatives of the United Nations Secretary General and all international partners and regional leaders to find a peaceful solution to this crisis. We believe that it is important today that we speak with one voice and send a clear and united message to all parties in Ethiopia that violence is not an option to resolving the political disputes, however serious they may be.

13. We have witnessed during the last year how violence led to loss of thousands of lives and, millions of displaced persons, human rights violations and atrocities and to a dire humanitarian situation. We are left with the question: how much longer and how many more innocent Ethiopians must perish before all parties can understand that there can be no military solution to this crisis?

14. Ethiopia, this great nation and cradle of civilization which has been an anchor of regional peace and stability, deserves that we stand with its people in these trying times.

15. In this regard we believe that the African Union and the neighboring countries have a major role to play to help Ethiopians find their way to peace and stability through political dialogue and reconciliation. We should help them unite again under the common interest of their country.

16. We reiterate our full support to the African Union High Representative for the Horn of Africa, H.E. former President Olusegun Obasanjo, and commend his mediation efforts to achieve a ceasefire and a prompt and peaceful resolution of the conflict. We call on all stakeholders and international partners to extend every possible support to President Obasanjo in his highly important mission, cognizant of the importance of coordinated action.

17. In conclusion, Mr. President, we, the A3+1, reaffirm our respect for and commitment to the sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity of Ethiopia. We stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Ethiopia through these trying times in their pursuit of peace and stability.

I thank you


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